Arrow ARC

Solutions that hit the mark.

Solutions that hit the mark
Solutions that hit the mark
Arrow ARC delivers management consulting services to federal government agencies

Arrow ARC delivers management consulting services to federal government agencies

We fuse traditional management frameworks with digital technology and data science to achieve transformative results for our clients.

Arrow ARC is a certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business joint venture between Artemis ARC and Aptive Resources, two award-winning companies who share an agile, mission-focused, results-driven approach in the federal sector.

Our Approach

Data Driven
Data Driven
From advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions to the cutting edge operating models and infrastructures that power them, we’re equipped with the right people, tools and partners to help you build a modern, data-driven enterprise.
People Centered
People Centered
We focus on human-centered and evidence-based solutions at all levels, from focused projects to enterprise-wide programs.
Expert Approach
Expert Approach
Our creative strategists, technologists and futurists challenge conventional approaches to stimulate change and modernize the customer experience.
Collaboration Focused
Collaboration Focused
We emphasize diversity and teamwork, and believe the best solutions are a result of collaboration of individuals with unique backgrounds and experiences.


Rachele Cooper
Rachele Cooper
Chief Executive Officer, Aptive
Rachele Cooper founded Aptive with a goal of leveraging technology and communications to improve organizational performance and support our nation’s Veterans. A Navy Veteran, she’s led complex, high-profile engagements spanning health promotion and disease prevention, strategic communications, technology transformations and organizational change management.
Luke Sturges
Luke Sturges
Chief Executive Officer, Artemis
Inspired by his military experience, Luke founded Artemis with the goal of advancing the health, wellness and achievement of Veterans and members of the military. He and his team leverage innovative marketing techniques, health solutions and technology to achieve transformative results for clients.
Aly Glick
President, Artemis
Aly has 15 years of experience across all facets of communications, project management and strategic planning. She leads the daily operations of Artemis, provides guidance to project teams and collaborates with partners to implement innovative strategies for clients across the federal government.
Max Entman
Senior Vice President, Human Experience, Aptive
Max is a proven communications and marketing leader with a track record of launching strategic, results-driven campaigns and public awareness programs. He leverages 14 years of experience in the field to deliver digital and creative solutions that accelerate innovation and transform audience behavior.
Clive Ballard
Clive Ballard
Senior Vice President, Veterans Health, Aptive
Clive is responsible for the continued advancement of Aptive’s Veterans health solutions and provides strategic direction to ensure cutting-edge initiatives remain firmly focused on patient-centered outcomes. He brings a wealth of experience in continual improvement, mission enhancement and operational efficiency — particularly in the health care and hospital settings.
Tara Dean
Tara Dean
Director, Health Solutions, Artemis
An accomplished health care leader and High Reliability Organization expert, Tara leads Artemis health care initiatives across federal agencies and private health systems. She has 18+ years of experience in providing direct clinical care and enhancing health care delivery programs to improve outcomes for Veterans, Service members and civilians.
Jessica Overbeck
Director, Communications and Marketing, Artemis
Jessica is an expert communications and marketing professional with more than 15 years of experience in federal consulting. She has led large-scale campaigns for a variety of federal clients including the Defense Health Agency, Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security.
Mary Kerski
Chief Operating Officer, Artemis
Mary is responsible for daily corporate operations, ensuring efficient and effective business processes for optimal client delivery. She collaborates with other executive leaders to develop and execute the organization’s strategies to reach business goals and objectives.
Emily Jarvis
Vice President, Health Care Staffing, Aptive
Emily is an experienced leader in contingent workforce solutions with robust skills in management, operations and leadership. She leads a nationwide staffing initiative for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), where she oversees a program management office and is responsible for organizing, directing and managing all aspects of contract operations.
Meredith Singh
Director, Veteran Health, Aptive
Meredith Singh is a change management consultant with over 16 years of experience providing program oversight, educational product development and health care quality data reporting and analysis to federal and non-profit clients.

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